Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 20 - Home Sweet Home

The final couple days were a slow roll from Iowa to Ohio with a stop in Indiana to see some customers.  We made a quick stop to find some nice ears of corn to take to a meeting in Houston but the last miles were uneventful, so I'll just speed to a short recap.

So what's the recap.  Here is our route.

States visited    9
Days out           20
Miles traveled  4,122
Gallons of gas  275.9
Miles / gallon   15.0 (best = 16.8 mpg on level interstate, worse = 11.6 on Beartooth Hwy)
Total $ on gas   $1037.45
Avg $ / gal        $3.77
Cost / mile        $0.25

The bugs have been washed off the Roadtrek and she (or is it a he?) is ready for the next trip.  We don't have another trip planned for this fall, but maybe we will do a quick color tour in the next weekend or two.  It's ready to go, so who knows what we might do.  We do have a trip planned for Branson, MO, but that's not until next spring.

Happy 'treking!

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