Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 7 - Custer State Park & Mt. Rushmore

We headed west toward the Black Hills area. Karen was busy on her cell phone and made reservations at Custer Mountain Campground which is on the west side of Custer State Park.  Bob and Karen were planning to stay at this location two or three days so they rolled out the awning and set up their flag pole.

After setting up camp, we all jumped into Bob's truck and headed to Custer State Park to see the sites and search for wildlife on our way to the night lighting ceremony at Mt. Rushmore. 
We saw some critters that I believe was a group of young Big Horn Rams.  Their horns will continue to grow and curl as they mature.  We also found a herd of a couple dozen buffalo a hundred yards or so from the road and as we watched they decided to move toward us.  They passed just a short distance from us as you can see by Bob's pose.   

We moved on and found some interesting roads with tunnels, switchbacks, circles and our first views of Mt. Rushmore.

Mt. Rushmore is one of those unique places that reminds us what a great country we have.  We viewed the video of the 14 year project to carve the four presidents in the granite mountain then had time to have dinner in the cafe.  I had the Bison stew which was great.  We then moved to the amphitheater for the lighting ceremony. A park ranger started the ceremony with some background over each of the four presidents - Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt.

After the park ranger gave his short presentation, another video played with more detail than the one we had seen earlier.  At the conclusion, the ranger invited all veterans in the crowd to join him on stage to lower and fold the flag. That's a nice touch and I think the oldest vet was given the flag.

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