Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Getting ready for Alaska - The Last Frontier

A month from now we will be (at least we SHOULD be) heading toward Alaska...The Last Frontier.

We had planned this trip last year but our two sons and daughters-in-law had other plans.  We were blessed with our first grand son on June 19th and our first grand daughter arrived August 24th. So I guess you can imagine, our planned 2015 trip to Alaska was put on hold until 2016. And yes, adding two grands made the wait ALL worth it.

Now our plans include one more criteria...DON'T miss 1st birthdays! No problem, there are nine weeks between birthdays - more than enough time for an Alaska trip, so we will head westbound following Jax's big day and will be home to celebrate with Myna on her special day. Wow, we have an exciting summer in front of us!

We have been looking at maps and going over The Milepost - a travel planner that literally has mile-by-mile explanations of Alaskan highways. We've been making notes but we don't make a day-by-day checklist. We will see where the roads take us.

The Roadtrek is always kept in good mechanical shape so no concerns there, but there are always some final things to do. Over the past few weeks, I've sanitized the water system and converted all the lights to LED's that are more energy efficient when we are on battery power. Carolyn has been busy making the bed more comfortable and adding nice coverings. I'll have to add photos when everything is done.

Speaking of photos, from time to time, we will add posts with some photos and maybe an occasional video. Just check back every few days.

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