Saturday, March 1, 2014

Smok'n on the bayou

This trip started when we received an invitation from a friend we met last year at the Roadtrek 40th anniversary rally in Branson, Missouri. Paul (Pogo) and his wife Vicki were inviting a number of Roadtrek owners to a party at their home.  Sheppard State Park was a great meeting place for the 12 Roadtreks that would arrive. 

Our site was big and level so we simply backing in and plugged in the electricity.  Actually, we are self contained and don't need to plug in but an electrical connection allows us to use our electric heater during chilly nights and to set the coffee maker to automatically come on in the morning.  Yup, Roadtreking is a nice step up from tent camping!

We enjoyed the first day by re-meeting old friends, repairing an water connection in one of the RT's and playing with Mike's Phantom II Quad Copter that is equipped with a GoPro camera.  It's a pretty cool setup.

Mike showing his Pantom II to Jim and Ken.
Saturday afternoon we caravanned to Pogo's house for the SMOK'N ON THE BAYOU party before we went to the Gautier Marti Gras parade. We filled the empty lot beside Pogo's house with Roadtreks.

We had great conversation about all sorts of things.
Pogo and Vicki had a great meal planned and everyone brought a dish to pass around.  Here's Pogo cooking some good sausages.
Our host - Pogo grilling sausage.

We also started to learn about Marti Gras.  One of the first things we learned is Marti Gras is more than a big party in New Orleans.  Gautier, MS is 50 miles east of New Orleans and Marti Gras is an annual celebration here too.  The difference is Gautier is small so the parade is small too.  The date of the parade is based on Fat Tuesday - the day before Ash Wednesday which is the first day of lent.

After Christmas, the trees become Marti Gras trees.

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