Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Visiting Gold Star Families

Have you ever seen these stickers on rear windows of cars and wonder what they mean?  They are service flags to honor sons or daughters who are in the military. A flag with a Blue Star (or maybe two or even three stars) designate son(s) or daughter(s) deployed.  Gold Star flags designate the family lost their son or daughter in the line of duty.

Our son served in the Marine Corps from 2006 to 2010. He deployed to Ramadi Iraq in 2007 and Helmand Province Afghanistan in 2009. Unfortunately, the 2009 deployment was very costly. Several of our planned stops were to visit families of some of the Marines who gave the ultimate sacrifice during these deployments.  Thanks to Deb Taylor, the Sharp family, Ferrell's, Richard's and Schimmel's for your hospitality and the wonderful visits we had with each of you.  What amazing families who have given so much.  We visited grave sites, were welcomed into their homes, learned more about their families and heard stories of their Marine's...their sons who gave all they could give. Here are their sons who sacrificed all.

LCpl Charles S. Sharp2-Jul-09
Cpl Nicholas G. Xiarhos23-Jul-09
LCpl Jeremy S. Lasher23-Jul-09
Pfc Donald "Wayne" Vincent25-Jul-09
LCpl Gregory A. Posey30-Jul-09
LCpl Jonathan F. Stroud30-Jul-09
LCpl Dennis J. Burrow7-Aug-09
LCpl Javier Olvera8-Aug-09
LCpl Patrick W. Schimmel9-Aug-09
LCpl Bruce E. Ferrell10-Aug-09
LCpl Leopold F. Damas17-Aug-09
LCpl David R. Hall31-Aug-09
LCpl Jordan L. Chrobot26-Sep-09
Cpl Xhacob Latorre8-Dec-09





Saturday, February 15, 2014

We're off for 2014

This will be an interesting trip.  We had to dig the Roadtrek out of the snow just to get it out of the garage so it'll be nice the head south to some warm weather.

We have a few goals for this trip. The idea of this trip started when our friend "Pogo" invited us to a "smoke'n by the bayou" pre Marti gras party in Gautier (pronounced go-shay), Mississippi. That lined up with a convention I had to work in San Antonio, TX so we said let's do it!

When I was looking at the route, I realized many Gold Star families who we know were along our route so we added them to our list of stops.  As a bonus, I was able to get a pre release copy of a movie that has footage for the Marine Corps battalion (2nd battalion, 8th Marines) in which our sons served.  The Hornets Nest will be released mid May, 2014.

The third goal is to visit family in Texas.  It has been too many years since Carolyn saw her cousins.

Finally, since we are this far, why not go big and keep going to the Grand Canyon.  I was there several years ago.  It was the end of January and there was a weird combination of weather conditions that included a snow storm and fog.  When we got to the edge of the canyon, we couldn't see a thing.  I mean zip...nadda.

This is the map that we've come up with.  Who knows what "Mystery Spots" we will discover along the way.